Thursday, January 22, 2009

i am still here

i am still here. moving into my new apartment and unpacking, and finally got my Internet hooked up. and all that lovely stuff. i have been extremely busy. raw is going good about 90% raw right now. i went grocery store today and picked up some good stuff, i got a durain, mango's, avocado's, and stuff like that. i also signed up for a half marathon!!!!!!!!!!! it is in Seattle on June 27. i am getting exited about it. well, i need to get going God bless


Larissa said...

Greetings and salutations fellow Virgo-dog! I hope you are feeling less down in the dumps today. I know the feeling though! What are you still eating that is not considered 'raw'? I have been about 99% raw for the last 6 days... lost 5.5 lbs so far. There was one night where I used regular spring roll wrappers for spring rolls ;) Cheers!

Meleakua said...

mmmmm durian!! :) congrats on the marathon! that's great! if you want a jogging buddy i love ute valley park... & i still know where the rope swing is! ;) (i don't think i can run/jog very far at the moment! i went for a whole five minutes before pooping out the other day! laugh!!)